This is what normally happens in prairie dog colonies. Love, kisses, and unity usually are the order of the day.

But then, one day, along came Sally- for that is what we shall call her-to the burrow of one Polly. "Hey, the whole prairie knows all your dirty little secrets," said Sally.
Thinking she had the advantage of surprise and first strike, Sally locked her jaws on Polly's hand. "Oh, yeah, you and what hand?"
Somehow Polly freed her hand and unleashed a slap that was to become stuff of legends on the prairie. "Take that you spiteful, lying prairie dog b@#&*"
Fearful of Polly and unwilling to partake of the slap sandwich Sally had just been handed, other prairie dogs could only comment about it in hushed whispers. "Hey, did I just really just see that?"
Meanwhile not too far away. "Mom, you are the best mom ever...I love you, I love you, I love you."
They hear a slap. "WOW!"
A few feet away, unhindered by the transpired events, some prairie dogs continue to indulge in the peace, love, and unity that is normally the order of the day on the prairie.
Hey, they do have tails and it was a tale, so lighten up.